What Makes Online Shopping Better Than Offline Shopping?


Once Upon a time long long ago people around the world used to step out for shopping in different kinds of stores. This is what we will be telling our grandkids in the future as the pandemic has completely changed our lifestyle. Especially our shopping habits.

Before the unfortunate turn of events in 2020, you used to plan your trip to the mall over the weekend to buy that gorgeous cashmere sweater that you most likely had your eyes on forever. In the process of getting your favorite sweater, it was compulsory to make a stop at your desired coffee shop to have some delicious croissants along with a cup of hot coffee.

This was an important step in the whole shopping process that shall not be missed. Then the unthinkable happened, Covid sneaked into our lives, and life as we know it, wasn’t the same anymore, or at least the shopping experience wasn’t the same anymore. As much as we have enjoyed our time in the malls or in any other bazaar, online shopping has become the most convenient choice these days. Platforms like  Farosh's online shopping store have made online shopping more stress-free than offline shopping.

Why Online Shopping is better in the Pandemic

Shop from the Comfort of Your Home

One of the best reasons why online shopping can be fun is because you can do it in your PJs without a care in the world. All you need to do is choose the device you are comfortable browsing on I.E either your Smartphone or your laptop with the fastest internet connection and you are good to go. To add more value to the experience, prepare yourself some delicious snacks, such as pizza, popcorn, or your beloved ramen noodles.
While munching on the yummy snacks browse and click on the best buy possible for yourself.

More the Options the Merrier

A physical store has a certain limit to displaying the items a brand owns. They can’t dump their whole inventory on the racks or shelves. First of all, it won’t look appealing to the customer.
Secondly, it will consume too much time for the consumer to browse all the products available and confuse them enough to make a selection. That’s where online shopping wins the match of online shopping vs Offline shopping
You can view the entire collection of products in one place which allows you to save time on websites like Farosh Mall plus it makes it easy for you to compare the products all together at the same time in the same place.

No Waiting in Long Queues

One of the most common disadvantages of offline shopping is to stand in long endless queues, especially when there is a sale going on and the whole nation is there to avail it.
I am a huge fan of kids but when you need to stand in a long queue for 2 hours with kids kicking around and throwing tantrums at their parents while throwing things at everyone around them in the process, it is safe to say the experience of offline shopping turns into a real nightmare.
However, online shopping saves you from this inconvenience, as there are no exhausting queues to stand in or cranky kids to endure.

No Pressure to Purchase

You know the moment you walk into the store and a salesperson appears by your side miraculously and to make your experience weirder they walk behind you.
For a second you feel like they are doubting you to be a shoplifter and you doubt your self-worth too but then the most uncomfortable thing happens when you pick up a shoe to analyze and there are pairs of puppy eyes staring back at you that are begging you to make the purchase, regardless if your budget allows you to make the purchase or not. If you are someone who feels guilty in zero seconds for no good reason then you cannot help but break down under the enormous pressure and end up buying not one but two pairs of over-priced stilettoes just because the salesperson was lurking around you with a desperate
need of commission. 
In the case of online shopping, it gives you a piece of mind from those puppy eyes and unwanted pressure to buy things that you don’t actually want or can’t afford.
You can browse around the online store for hours and still log out with an empty cart, with no hard feelings whatsoever. You get to shop guilt-free and stress-free.

Returns and Cancellations are a Breeze

When you end up buying the wrong size or a home appliance that doesn’t work according to your preference, asking for a refund or an exchange can be troublesome at in-store shopping.

The hassle of making the brand understand what is wrong with their product is an excruciating experience. However, Post-Covid brands have been quite flexible with their return and cancellation policies online. They have altered their exchange period up to a month and process refunds instantly for damaged products, no questions are asked and no arguments are raised. This is why online shopping is better in pandemic nowadays.

Choose the Way You Want to Pay

Ok, so this can happen to anyone. Imagine you are handing your carefully selected products to the cashier, he scans your items and tells you the amount you need to pay but the minute you slide your hand into your handbag or pockets you realize that you have left your wallet at home. Now, the anxiety kicks in. How will you pay for the desired products that you selected with so much love and thoughts? You leave the store empty-handed with a broken heart.

Well, this is another cause why online shopping will always win in the competition of online shopping vs. offline shopping. Since you are shopping from the comfort of your home, there is less chance for you not to have your wallet with you, and on top of everything you get multiple payment options to choose from.

From Bank transfers to mobile wallets such as Easy Paisa etc. are available to ease the pressure on your budget. Online shopping is cheaper these days as some websites also offer installment plans for payments. Benefits like these are not available at in-store shopping.

Online Shopping is the Right way to Shop

So, today I shared some of the pros of online shopping that work in your favor as it saves your time and money. I hope this encourages you to shop online rather than offline. Try to choose reliable websites like Farosh Mall to shop from and be happy satisfied customers.  Covid has definitely changed our lives for the better or at least it has upgraded our shopping experience by making it hassle-free and convenient.


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