Major Impacts of Home Cleanliness on Our Personality


Mental Health is the most important asset of your being that you need to take care of, maybe more than your other prized possessions. You need to keep your brain calm, well-focused, and stress-free most of the time.

There are things in our daily lives that can trigger our mental health to deteriorate but we don’t realize their importance unless our mental stability is challenged and becomes unstable.

For instance, cleaning your house is an everyday errand but it may bring your brain to a very calming and happy state. We always have that one person in our household who we label as a “cleanliness freak” but you know what?

They are also the happiest people in the house, as their mind is in a calming state throughout the day as their environment is super clean. I mean a good brand of carpet cleaner received as a birthday gift can make them dance like crazy, I wish I was exaggerating.

The positive effects of cleanliness are numerous. Let’s focus on how it benefits our mental health and personality.

Starting with your own Personal Space

To stay sane it is very important that you clean your personal space often, meaning your bedroom. That chair deserves a break from carrying your whole wardrobe on its tiny legs. The clothes need to be neatly folded and placed in your cupboard.

The wrappers of your favorite snacks deserve to be in the bin, not under your pillow or side table mats. The whole point is to start cleaning from where your identity lives.

When you spend a lot of time in a mess, the chances are you will end up with a messy mind which is scarier than a messy room.

If you are too lazy to work yourself then hire some reliable cleaning services that do the job for you but make sure your room is pleasantly and spotlessly clean before you jump on your bed to doze off.

Cleanliness is a Mood Enhancer

Believe it or not, cleanliness is a mood enhancer and it is surely a stress buster. It heavily influences your mood. The effects of cleanliness on health are quite overpowering at times.

 Let’s say you entered your home while battling the scorching heat of summer along with a heavy load of office work on your fragile mind, then you are welcome with a bad odor of rotten meat or greeted by a bunch of ants eating up the remains of the chocolate on your couch that you had while binge-watching your favorite TV show.

In either scenario, your mood will be affected and it will trigger the rage that you were suppressing throughout the day. Your home is your personal comfort zone, where you want to spend time doing things you love.

 It is highly suggested to keep your surroundings clean and presentable so that it doesn’t add more anxiety to your daily routine and affect your mood to go awry.

Hygiene is Cheaper than Gym

If you are someone who is a fitness freak but doesn’t want to pay thousands to the gym due to a restricted budget, then I have some good news for you.

Maintaining hygiene in your home is a free exercising tool that you can use at any time of the day. It doesn’t require you to pay an excessive amount to buy a membership or a strict schedule to follow.

You can stay physically fit by doing your regular house chores rather than booking some cleaning services. This will boost your mind and body’s health at the same time.

To motivate yourself towards the errands you can always go to the cleaning products aisle in the supermarket and choose according to your preference.

 Such as a carpet cleaner that would be an ideal choice for the expensive Turkish carpet lying on the floor of your lobby.

OCD- The Only Negative Effect of Cleanliness

Cleanliness doesn’t have any negative effect as such but there is one condition that can be found quite disturbing and has a negative effect on health.

OCD also known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition that consumes a person with intrusive thoughts and obsessions that can interfere with their daily activities.

OCD has four types one of them is known as Contamination/Cleaning Disorder, where a person who fears contamination tends to focus on the intense feeling that triggers when they experience uncleanliness.

The symptoms include fear of dirt, germs, and contamination. It doesn’t remain consistent and tends to come and go at times but never vanishes completely.

The Conclusion

The positive effects of cleanliness help you to relax your mind and it is a secure way to stay in control and perceive a reflection of who you are.

Clutter can cause your brain to lose focus, be less productive, and minus attention from your surroundings. It can increase your chances of catching more allergies in the environment, especially if you are allergic to dust.

Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is not only essential for your brain but for your health in general. It is free therapy for your brain and food for your soul. STAY CLEAN AND STAY HEALTHY!


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